Bald Eagles Rifle Club

Payment Issues

25 Mar 2012 6:05 PM | Leo Cebula (Administrator)
For those of you who did on-line payments when we first opened the system for entries, you may note that the system shows that you did not pay.  Although it may have appeared that your credit card payment worked, we have had numerous after the fact cancelations of your payments. 

So, if the BERC site shows that you have a balance, I would suggest that you check with your credit card company to see if there is a charge.  If not, please try the charge again.  However, do not register a second time, use the payment button on the left of your screen.  

We originally were using Google Checkout to process our credit cards.  In retrospect, this was a poor choice.  We have now changed over to PayPal, and are finding that our charge requests are flowing without issue.  

We apologize for any inconvenience that you may have experienced.

Leo Cebula, Webmaster BERC


  • 13 Apr 2012 6:44 PM | Leo Cebula (Administrator)
    We have been running PayPal for payments for the past three weeks, and find that we are being very successful without any of the problems that we experienced with Google Check-out.

    We sincerely hope this change will work out to everyone's convenience.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Leo Cebula, Webmaster BERC
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