Team Results
Individual Results
Trudie Fay SOA Winner Grand Aggregate and Long Range Aggregate
Curtis Gordon SOA 2nd Place
Brandon Green SOA 3rd Place and High Service
Norma Mayo SOA High Woman
Zevin Linse SOA High Young Eagle and Winner Short Range Aggregate
Jim O'Connell SOA High Grand Senior Target Rifle
Tom Hassing SOA High Senior F-Open
Ron Gorski SOA High Grand Senior F-Open
Russel Dobbs SOA High Sharpshooter
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling D1 rev.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling D2.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling D3.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling D4.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling ShortR.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling LongR.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-Sling GrandAgg.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-FClass D1.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-FClass D2.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-FClass D3.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-FClass D4.pdf
22 BERC SOA Results-FClass ShortR.pdf